Fern Estelle Viall, 103
Fremont, CA
“I never expected to live this long and I never thought I would see a woman as president of the United States”
Born October 1913 in Hilbert, WI
Eloped with husband to California to escape the cold, which she particularly hated because she wasn’t allowed to wear pants
Attended business college, then worked as a bookkeeper
Returned with family to Wisconsin for her son to attend one of the only schools for deaf children under age six (he later graduated from Gallaudet Univ.)
Her other son, hard of hearing, taught for years at California School for the Deaf
Two sons, five grandchildren
“The first time I cast my vote, it was for Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The voting age was 21 at the time. I lived through the Great Depression and multiple wars, but I never expected to live this long and I never thought I would see a woman as president of the United States. I am thrilled to be wrong on both counts.”